NAADAC Approved Education Provider

NAADAC Website: (The Association for Addiction Professionals)
A NAADAC Approved Education Provider means Rhonda McKillip has voluntarily opened her educational programs to examination by the National Certification Commission for Addiction Professionals (NCC AP) for content applicability to state, national, and international certification standards. This rigorous review process ensures that learners receive a consistent, reliable, and quality learning experience that is applicable to their careers and advances their understanding of addiction and co-occurring disorders-related issues.
Individuals participating in educational programs offered by Rhonda McKillip – NAADAC Approved Education Provider – are assured that the continuing education units (CEU’s) provided for each course will be accepted toward national credentialing by the National Certification Commission for Addiction Professionals (NCC AP), as well as many of the individual state licensing and/or certification bodies in the addiction and other helping professions.
NAADAC Vision Statement Adopted 1998
NAADAC Mission Statement Adopted 1998
NAADAC, the Association for Addiction Professionals, represents the professional interests of more than 100,000 addiction counselors, educators and other addiction-focused health care professionals in the United States, Canada and abroad.
NAADAC’s members are addiction counselors, educators and other addiction-focused health care professionals, who specialize in addiction prevention, treatment, recovery support and education. An important part of the healthcare continuum, NAADAC members and its 47 state and international affiliates work to create healthier individuals, families and communities through prevention, intervention, quality treatment and recovery support.
What is Addiction?
How Does NAADAC Help?
NAADAC promotes excellence in care by advocating for the highest quality and most up-to-date, science-based services for clients, families and communities. NAADAC does this by providing education, clinical training and certification.
Among the organization’s national certification programs are the National Certified Addiction Counselor, Nicotine Dependence Specialist credential and the Masters Addiction Counselor designations. NAADAC has credentialed more than 21,000 counselors, playing an important role in sustaining quality health services and protecting the well being of the public.
From Rhonda McKillip: Thank you to the thousands of dedicated members of NAADAC. Your dedication and contributions to the field of addiction studies and training is truly amazing. Through promoting quality training and support you assist the professionals working in the field, support the individuals working toward recovery, and give families the hope and education so crucial in the recovery process. I am honored to be a NAADAC Approved Education Provider. Regards, Rhonda McKillip