Evidence Based Practices (EBP)
THE BASICS, Second Edition: A Curriculum For Co-Occurring Psychiatric and Substance Disorders was literally designed to put EBP into action and implement the content into the treatment setting.
The terms “best practice standards” and more recently “evidence-based practices” have become a part of our daily vocabulary. Fully integrated services have been identified as both – best practice standards and evidenced based practices – by distinguished organizations, as well as individual experts nationally and internationally for the past two decades.
Research, Studies, and References
THE BASICS, Second Edition is EBP (Evidence Based Practices) and developed for the treatment of persons with co-occurring psychiatric and substance disorders. All program content in the curriculum is based on and supported by evidence-based, research-based, and consensus-based best practices, as well as the principles of successful treatment for individuals with co-occurring disorders. THE BASICS was developed in its entirety to align with EBP.
Excerpt Book Review:
“My first response to THE BASICS was to the mere size of it. It’s clear why there are two volumes, and if the adage is true that ‘more is better’ then this 1,200-page curriculum has to be fantastic. And after figuring out how one would use THE BASICS, I would tend to agree.” Lindsay Freese (Professor of Human Service at New Hampshire Technical Institute; Addiction Professional Magazine: What’s Working in Treatment and Prevention, May 2005, “A Co-Occurring Curriculum That’s Worth Its Weight”)
Fully integrated services have been identified as both evidenced based practices (EBP) and best practice standards by distinguished organizations, as well as individual experts and groups of experts throughout the United States and internationally. To name just a few of the esteemed groups or individuals identifying the EBP related to integrated treatment include:
- The 1998 Co-Occurring Psychiatric and Substance Disorders in Managed Care Systems: Standards of Care, Practice Guidelines, Workforce Competencies, and Training Curricula (developed through The Center for Mental Health Services Managed Care Initiative: Clinical Standards and Workforce Competencies Project by the Co-Occurring Mental and Substance Disorders Panel of National Dual Diagnosis Experts; Panel Chair Kenneth Minkoff, M.D.)
- The CCISC (Comprehensive Continuous Integrated System of Care) model (Minkoff & Cline, 2004) is recognized by SAMHSA (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration) as EBP for systems implementation of the treatment of ICOPSD (Integrated Treatment of Individuals with Co-Occurring Psychiatric and Substance Disorders).
- Over 1,600 references released in a 1,200 page two-volume set, THE BASICS, Second Edition is Evidence Based Practices (EBP).
- Stages of Change Model (Prochaska & DiClemente); Motivational Interviewing (Miller & Rollnick); NIMH (National Institute of Mental Health); NIDA (National Institute on Drug Abuse) studies from the Decade of the Brain…just to name a few.
Building THE BASICS One Level at a Time
THE BASICS was built from the foundation up. It was based on the EBP to support and reach our mutual goal – providing services EBP to the person with co-occurring psychiatric and substance disorders.
Evidence Based Practices have been well established for the System, Program Design and Guidelines, Clinical Practice Content, Approach, Relationship, and the Person: